Winter Success & winter Ticket 2019/2020 Season
As many of you will have seen on our Facebook page it has been another busy winter, lots of tree felling, path building, reed planting,...

The ghosty common hits 40.
In February 2016 I made this fishes acquaintance at 29lbs. A little under 3 years later I was super pleased to see her go over the net...

A few photos from my morning walk
It occurred to me that I don't do enough photography, in fact recently its been non existent, there’s always something to do so when wou

June 9th - 16th 2018, rain, carp, rain and more carp!
Well what a week that was, 3 days of rain with one day that was truely biblical! In 8 hours we had 90mm or rain and the lake came up...

March 3rd - 10th catch report
After the freezing cold conditions of the 1st week of the season things certainly picked up! The 2nd week of the season saw 3 lads on, 2...

2019 Available Dates
We have availability for the 2019 season. Please take a look below and drop me an email on bookings@lacducoron.com, call me on 0033...

*2018 Diary Change - November weeks now available*
To give the lake and the fish a break I have decided to close Lac Du Coron between October 13-27th, this is in addition to the 7 weeks we...

Last week of the season catch report.
The week starting12th of November saw our last full week of the season as returning anglers Nathan and Keiron enjoyed a cold weather...

Fish Care @ Lac Du Coron
Good to see the lads looking after the fish so well. Good time for a little reminder on how fish must be treated and taken from the water...

My Approach August 2017 - Carp fishing Tactics
Here is the 3rd installment in the 'My Approach' series of video blogs. Here I look at a couple of simple rigs and lead arrangements that...