November video news
Here is our November video news. Lots of catch shots, information and a little look back at tsome memorable moments of the 2018 season....

New Video Series 'In Session Vol 1'
I thought an ‘In Session’ type blog of my trips to Lac Du Coron may be of interest to a few of you. I will normally be filming on my own...

Life after spawning!
There is a reason we call March/April and early May 'clubbing season' is pretty easy to understand with big carp from all over Europe on...

Fun in the sun
The great start to the season continues... It has been a funny old spring at Lac Du Coron like it has in many places across Europe. A few...

April gets off to a great start!
With a few days left of the week I wanted to do a little update on Matt, Dan and Adam's week so far. Thursday is my day off so it is a...

March 10th - 24th catch report
I am a little behind on the catch reports from the last few weeks, so if you haven't been keeping up with all the goings on at Lac Du...

Last week of the season catch report.
The week starting12th of November saw our last full week of the season as returning anglers Nathan and Keiron enjoyed a cold weather...

*Facilities at Lac Du Coron*
The facilities at Lac Du Coron are designed to be clean, simple and functional, allowing you to fish effectively and comfortably. We have...

*We have 2 available weeks left for this season*
29th October - 5th November and the last week of the season which is the 19th - 26th of November. Both weeks are only £500 for the lake...

New Video Now Live - My Approach Bait - carp fishing bait
In this episode of 'My Approach' I look at bait. The quantities I use at Lac Du Coron and a few hints, tips and thoughts on washing baits...