Recent Catch Shots
You will have no argument from me that my blogging, both written and video has been shocking so far this season! Excuses excuses, but we...

3 New Stunners
As part of the annual winter chores, adding to and most importantly complimenting the existing stock is an important part of the cycle,...

Stunning Little Carp
With pressure through the roof and freezing cold nghts the lads did really well last week to tempt a couple of real Lac Du Coron...

A few fish from the last couple of weeks
With tempretures plummting, the pressure going through the roof and a bitter North Easterly blowing things were always going to be hard but

More great weight gains.
After weeks and weeks of spawning and seriously high tempretures it was great to see some of the big girls starting to come out and at...

New Videos Live Now
Fishing over the last few weeks has been hard at Lac du Coron and all over the country to be honest. After an incredibly wet start to the...

New Video - Carp rolling in The Channel
I will soon be doing a couple of nights myself where I will of course try and put a little film together. In the meantime as I have been...

Read the full story from Anglers Mail
An awful lot has happened in the last 18 months, in fact it has all been a bit of a whirlwind and I am only just getting my head around...

New Video Now Live - My Approach
In this short video I take a look at my approach. How I would choose to tackle Lac du Coron taking into account what I have learnt...

As we enter our 1st Rest Week it is time for a look back!
Well what a brilliant 1st few weeks we have had over at Lac Du Coron. After months of back breaking work we eventually opened our gates...