Winter at Coron #1
Last night was my 1st proper go of the winter. We have had some serious rain over the last few weeks and water temps have realy dropped fast

It has been another great weeks fishing at Lac Du Coron.
Carl and Wayne had the lake to themselves and fished really well to have an awesome haul of carp! The guys started in in The Double and...

Life after spawning!
There is a reason we call March/April and early May 'clubbing season' is pretty easy to understand with big carp from all over Europe on...

Fun in the sun
The great start to the season continues... It has been a funny old spring at Lac Du Coron like it has in many places across Europe. A few...

April gets off to a great start!
With a few days left of the week I wanted to do a little update on Matt, Dan and Adam's week so far. Thursday is my day off so it is a...

March 10th - 24th catch report
I am a little behind on the catch reports from the last few weeks, so if you haven't been keeping up with all the goings on at Lac Du...

Off and running after a cold start!
Our 1st week of the season was the coldest we have experianced at the lake in the two and a half years we have been open, pipes froze,...

*2018 Diary Change - November weeks now available*
To give the lake and the fish a break I have decided to close Lac Du Coron between October 13-27th, this is in addition to the 7 weeks we...