New Video Now Live - My Approach Bait - carp fishing bait
In this episode of 'My Approach' I look at bait. The quantities I use at Lac Du Coron and a few hints, tips and thoughts on washing baits...

2 week close down
That's us done for a few weeks as we close down for a fortnight, see friends and celebrate our 1 year anniversary. Where does the time...

Ltd exclusive baits available (1st come 1st serve)
For those anglers visiting us in the coming weeks I have a couple of Ltd quantity baits available on a 1st come 1st served basis. Im sure...

Catch shots from 1st - 8th July
I haven't got all the photos from the lads but these are a good start. Fishing all over France has been difficult of late but theads did...

Good handful of washed out Activ8 and Coron Specials.
I often tell people to wash out their Baits but very few people do it and to me it's a great edge. The lad in the Right Hand Double is...

Recent Catch Shots
You will have no argument from me that my blogging, both written and video has been shocking so far this season! Excuses excuses, but we...

Spring is here and so are the fish!
Last week Tommy, Adam and Stevie visited Lac Du Coron for the 1st time and they were not disappointed landing 24 fish and leaving...

A few photos from the start of the season
As many of you will have seen there has been an awful lot of work going on at Lac Du Coron ready for our opening week of the season. Ash,...

LDC Junior Carp Camp
Early next summer we will be holding the LDC Junior Carp Camp at Lac Du Coron. Supported by Mainline Baits and Atomic end tackle we are...

36 Cold Hours
Well I have made no secret of it but Lac Du Coron has fished dreadfully for the last 4 or 5 weeks. When you would expect grotty low...